Gymnázium sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Nitre

 (English Drama Festival)

They have performed it two times already – the first time in Slovak language, and the second time in English. Both times in the Aula of UKF. The first time they weren’t very successful – the students did not like it (or to think) very much. The second time - in the English language drama festival called ‘Literary Characters on Stage’ – they were the best from 26 performances. The judges announced the name of their performance at the end of the festival. Big applause, hand shakes, “you were great”, a certificate given to the director, congratulations… The “Best Performance”, as the paper says. Well, thank you.


Our Commission believes that knowledge of a foreign language opens the door to the world for our students. And we also believe that knowledge comes not only from traditional classroom lessons, nut also from actively putting the skills learned there to work.

While we are proud of the fact that our students scored above the national average in both levels of the matura exam, we are even prouder of the way they were so easily and enthusiastically able to prepare and participate in a large number of activities which our Commission organized during the 2009/2010 school year.

20 rokov GCM

Video symbolizujúce 20. výročie založenia nášho gymnázia z tvorivej dielne sr. Marie Marthe a jej zverencov.





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